MPL MY Season 14 Week 3 Day 3, Match VMS vs TDK
24 September 2024 | 131 View


Match 2: VMS vs TDK 3:00PM (SUN)

Among the matches that fans are most looking forward to. This clash will witness many line-ups of players who have previously lifted the MPL MY trophy. VMS shows a higher level of discipline this season compared to last season. However, VMS must be cautious of TDK's more aggressive late-game play after their Goldlaner has completed several items.

Game 1

VMS: Phoveus, Nolan, Valentina, Ruby, Harith (1st Pick)

TDK: Mathilda, Vexana, Moskov, Barats, Lancelot


VMS secured a strong pick-off composition with Nolan and Harith delivering high burst damage, while Ruby, Valentina, and Phoveus provided crowd control. TDK started the game strong with Zahyed's Lancelot and Yanlord's Mathilda, but they couldn't withstand NETS' snowballing Harith.


Game 2

TDK: Chip, Arlott, Roger, Nolan, Zhask (1st Pick)

VMS: Harith, Valentina, Belerick, Ling, Barats


Despite VMS drafting counters like Belerick and Barats, it was a major mistake to leave Chip open for TDK. The Swordfishes were able to dominate the map, with Chip leading the charge alongside high-mobility heroes like Nolan, Roger, and Arlott. Momo's exceptional performance on Arlott was crucial in securing the victory.

Game 3

VMS: Mathilda, Karrie, Vexana, Julian, Gloo (1st Pick)

TDK: Roger, Chou, Nolan, Valentina, Gatotkaca


Game 3 was intense as VMS picked Gloo for the EXP lane against TDK's Gatotkaca for Momo. Yanlord's Chou once again proved to be a menace, applying early-to-mid game pressure that kept TDK in the lead for most of the match. However, NETS managed to turn the tide with Karrie, who was able to pop off thanks to perfect control and cover from the rest of his team, allowing him to shred through the enemies. This game serves as a strong reminder that Karrie remains a powerful pick in the right hands.

Match 2: VMS vs TDK 3:00PM (SUN)
Antara perlawanan yang paling ditunggu-tunggu oleh peminat. Pertembungan ini akan menyaksikan ramai barisan-barisan pemain yang pernah menjulang piala MPL MY. VMS menunjukkan disliplin yang lebih tinggi musim ini berbanding musim lalu. Namun, VMS harus berjaga-jaga dengan permainan TDK di late-game yang lebih agresif selepas Goldlaner mereka menyiapkan beberapa item.

Game 1

VMS: Phoveus, Nolan, Valentina, Ruby, Harith (1st Pick)

TDK: Mathilda, Vexana, Moskov, Barats, Lancelot


VMS dapat draft komposisi pick-off yang kuat dengan Nolan dan Harith yang memberikan burst damage yang tinggi, manakala Ruby, Valentina, dan Phoveus menyediakan crowd control yang padu. TDK memulakan perlawanan dengan baik serta Lancelot Zahyed dan Mathilda Yanlord, tetapi mereka tidak dapat menahan Harith NETS yang dapat snowball awal.

Game 2

TDK: Chip, Arlott, Roger, Nolan, Zhask (1st Pick)

VMS: Harith, Valentina, Belerick, Ling, Barats


Walaupun VMS dapat hero-hero counter seperti Belerick dan Barats, ia adalah kesilapan besar untuk membiarkan Chip terbuka untuk TDK. Dengan Chip, TDK mampu mendominasi map, memimpin serangan bersama hero mobiliti tinggi seperti Nolan, Roger, dan Arlott. Prestasi luar biasa Momo pada Arlott juga menjadi kunci kepada kemenangan mereka.

Game 3

VMS: Mathilda, Karrie, Vexana, Julian, Gloo (1st Pick)

TDK: Roger, Chou, Nolan, Valentina, Gatotkaca


Game 3 sangat sengit apabila VMS memilih Gloo untuk Smooth menentang Gatotkaca Momo di EXP lane. Chou Yanlord sekali lagi terbukti menjadi ancaman, memberikan tekanan awal hingga pertengahan permainan yang memastikan TDK berada di hadapan untuk sebahagian besar perlawanan. Namun, NETS berjaya mengubah keadaan dengan Karrie, yang mampu menguasai permainan berkat kawalan dan perlindungan sempurna dari pasukannya, membolehkannya menghancurkan musuh. Perlawanan ini mengingatkan kita bahawa Karrie masih merupakan pilihan yang kuat di atas tangan yang tepat.